Choosing The Right Massage Therapy School

Choosing the right massage therapy school can be more difficult than it sounds. There are many important things to consider when setting out on a deciding on a massage therapy education program. Look at the big picture and what suits your life in all areas. Look at the big picture and avoid focusing on one single aspect of a training fascility to become a professional massage therapist.

Does The School Have A Good Reputation

Does the school have a good reputation, meaning is it accredited, affordable and known in the community for having a good track record. Has the institution up for consideration graduated many current massage therapists? Does the curriculum meet the standards of the states licensing requirements? These are very basic questions but very important ones too. Some people have fallen prey to a school that has just recently opened just to realize the school wasn’t even licensed to teach massage therapy. Even though these incidents have been few and far between, they do still continue and you don’t want to fall victim to such a situation.

Does The School Fit Your Schedule

In today’s times your schedule and lifestyle plays a key role in every decision you make. This also applies to a massage career as a massage therapist. Does the school offer night classes or online classes? How many hours per week is required in a classroom setting. Massage obviously requires hands on training, but can the text book course work be done from home? In today’s challenging economic and post pandemic times, such matters can be important factors.

Does The Coursework Exceed Expectations

You want to choose an institution that is passionate about massage therapy and upholds quality profession standards. This is not a one size fits all model. To put it bluntly some schools are simply better than others. Some institutions care more about their reputation, the quality of their teaching than the monetary value. This should be your top priority when searching for a place of learning a skill. While cost is important, choosing the school that charges the least in tuition costs is not always the best deal. You should look at the big picture that sets you up for a successful massage therapist career. And finally, does the choice feel right in your gut? Consider all things when making such an important decision.

Other Miscellaneous Actions and Considerations

There’s a whole host of things to consider when narrowing down the right massage therapy school. In a nutshell it’s about getting the best quality education for the cost that best suites your life. Some final things to do and consider:

  • visit the school unannounced and sit in on a class
  • curriculum and accreditation formats and success rates
  • scholarships and financial aid help
  • total time from start to graduation
  • post education job placement assistance
  • number of hands on hours vs course work hours

In Conclusion

Choosing a career as a massage therapist is an exciting choice. Massage therapy is booming. People are choosing this holistic medicine now more than ever for general health and wellness treatment. People are turning to such modalities like Swedish and Deep Tissue massage to maintain optimum health. And for the therapist it can also be rewarding, knowing you’re helping those who need help. It’s a gratifying feeling helping those lead a more healthier and happier pain free and stress free life.

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